Bug Fixes:
Fixed an issue where the game wouldn't save properly when logging out due to the GlobalData Sleep bug.
Resolved the problem where players were losing their inventory after loading a coop session.
Fixed the water purifier, which was not displaying the water amount correctly.
Addressed an issue where the door open and close sounds were audible to the entire world.
Fixed a bug where clients couldn't see the roof during coop sessions.
Corrected an error where Korean letters were not being displayed correctly.
Base no longer gets overwhelmed by large amounts of enemies from different factions.
Resolved the bug causing players to continuously sink while diving.
Adjusted the intense head swaying motion that occurred while sprinting, which could lead to motion sickness.
Increased Stack Amount for scrap metal and wood.
Improved the efficiency of fishnets.
New Features and Changes:
Added a feature to push the boat off shore. Press the P button to activate.
Implemented a toggle in settings for camera shake while chopping trees.
Introduced an Aiming Mode selector in the settings.
Increased the length of a day for a more immersive experience.
Slightly reduced the hunger and thirst rate for better balance.
Increased the amount of cloth.
Added more marlin fish to the game world.
Included missing translations for various items and buildings.